Rock Band stage kit controlled by a .NET-powered micro - Make: Rock Band stage kit controlled by a .NET-powered micro - Make:

Rock Band stage kit controlled by a .NET-powered micro

Fun & Games Music Technology
Rock Band stage kit controlled by a .NET-powered micro

Rock Band Stage Kit with .NET Micro

Now that Microsoft has released their .NET Micro Framework under an open source license, we’re hoping to see some interesting projects come out of it. The makers of the .NET-powered FEZ boards wrote in with this cool project:

This project demonstrates how to use the Xbox Rock Band Stage Kit with Micro framework using GHI’s USB Host feature….no Xbox is necessary!

This example uses a distance detector to measure the distance from the stage kit. The closer you get, the more LEDs will turn on and you will get faster strobe. If you are too close, the fog machine will start working.Here’s some code:

// when it is connected, make a new device
RBSKController rbsk = new RBSKController(device);

// set strobe speed

// Turn on the second and sixth Blue LEDs
rbsk.SetLEDs(RBSKController.LEDColor.Blue, RBSKController.LEDs


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I'm a tinkerer and finally reached the point where I fix more things than I break. When I'm not tinkering, I'm probably editing a book for Maker Media.

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