Tengu remake on a PIC - Make: Tengu remake on a PIC - Make:

Tengu remake on a PIC

Fun & Games Technology

Here’s a good one for those looking to learn more about microcontroller projects and PIC chips more specifically. This clone of the Tengu sound visualizer runs a mini-game upon startup – created as a birthday gift for the author’s sister. The project is thoroughly explained even through a language barrier:

its usage is very easy. after connecting pic-tengu to a usb port, it will switch on in a sleep state. blowing on its face he will wake up. then pic-tengu yawns and, if and only if it is the first time we use it, it will start the candles game. the aim of this game is to blow out the candles one by one, so it can become quite boring if the person being honoured is over a certain age, although less painful than pulling his/her ears. fortunately, my sister is only 25 years old. a personalized scrolling message appears when the game is over. next, pic-tengu starts to imitate every noise it hears. there are four sets of faces available: aquiline-nose, snub-nose, no-nose and luciano. the active set of faces changes blowing or with a strong noise. pic-tengu´s auditive acuteness is configurable through the back potentiometer. pressing this button toggles between the imitate mode and the scrolling message mode. if we keep the button pressed more than 2 seconds, pic-tengu will reset, recovering the same state as if it had never been used before; this implies that the candle games will appear again after awakening it.

Tengu clone redux [via]-Link

DIY Tengu
DIY Tengu on a breadboard –Link

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