Top 10: Model rocketry posts - Make: Top 10: Model rocketry posts - Make:

Top 10: Model rocketry posts

Fun & Games
Top 10: Model rocketry posts


When I was a kid, I lived for model rocketry. I was the vice president of our town’s model rocketry club. I raked leaves, mowed lawns, babysat bratty kids, anything to save up enough scratch to order from the Estes or Centuri catalogs. I can still remember the supreme joy I would feel on the days when those packages would arrive in the mail. And I will forever experience a little flashback to my nerdy youth whenever I heard that “SSHHOOOO” sound of a rocket launch and the sulfury smell of a spent black powder motor casing. Good times. Good times.

Here are some of our favorite posts about model rockets that we’ve featured on the site over the years. I’m not a “Born-Again Rocketeer,” but I certainly get the itch whenever I come this close to the hobby I used to love so dearly. I still may be tempted back onto the range before I blast off for my final apogee.


Laser-cut model rocket stands


DIY Inclinometer: The SKYSCOPE


Make Podcast: John Maushammer’s CVS Rocketcam


The iPhone rocket: The story (and data) of how an iPhone hit 1300ft


Estes educator – Free resources for model rocketry


Controlling model rocket firing


Remote model rocket telemetery


How-To: Make your own model rocket igniters


How-To Tuesday: Compressed air rocket



10-Rail Model Rocket Mega-Launcher


Bonus item! Link to post about PDF download of the 1971 Centuri Model Rocket Designers Manual!

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Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. His free weekly-ish maker tips newsletter can be found at

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