DIY Galaxy Floor Painting - Make: DIY Galaxy Floor Painting - Make:

DIY Galaxy Floor Painting

Furniture & Lighting
DIY Galaxy Floor Painting

If you’ve got a room with some floors that are an eyesore but you really don’t want to spend the tedious time or money to cover them with carpet or another type of flooring, you could always paint them up to look like the galaxy!

When Herdís Ásgeirsdóttir moved into her parents garage-turned-mini apartment, the flooring had been removed until eventually when her parents are going to put tile or hardwood floors down when she moves out. In the meantime, they told her she could paint the floor if she’d like. Herdís says she came up with the idea of a galaxy floor after her original thought of painting the floor black. After painting it, she purchased some spray cans in colors of pink, purple, and white for making the galaxies. She states that since most tutorials for galaxies are done with spray cans on smaller canvases like an A5 size canvas, she had to improvise. Using the purple, she created depth in the space fog, and for the stars, she held the button on the can down in such a way that it squirted the paint out in globs instead of the mist it creates when held down all the way. She also added three small planets and a moon, which she created using a space painting tutorial. While the painting itself only took about 2-3 hours, it took a few days to dry and then was covered in a glossy finish.

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Cosplayer, writer, craftswoman at Ruby Fern, and co-founder of the non-profit The Geek Foundation. I love creativity and being a maker!

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