Inspired by the classic spherical speaker array Instructable from user mzed, Charles Visnic created these cool wireless speakers by transplanting the guts of a pair of RocketFish speakers into some birch bowls from Ikea, mounted rim-to-rim. It’s a very cool build, but I have to say I’m just as impressed with this clever little working tip from Charles’ write-up:
The smartest thing I did there was I would head into the hardware store and get what I thought I’d needed. Then I’d go to the car and start dismantling the speaker. When I’d reach an obstacle all I had to do was get out of the car and fetch the right tool for the job.
My Dad always jokes that any project requires at least two trips to the hardware store; next time I’m going to take a page from Charles’ book and do all the work I can in my car in the Home Depot parking lot. [Thanks, Charles!]