Table that transforms into a playhouse - Make: Table that transforms into a playhouse - Make:

Table that transforms into a playhouse

Furniture & Lighting

And you don’t even need a blanket. Ingrid Brandth‘s Daily Shelter transforms into a small playhouse.

Feeling safe is not necessarily being safe. We feel protected and secure in surroundings that are familiar to us, where we can control the space around us – physically or psychologically.

The Daily Shelter is a table inspired by my grandfather Sigvald Andreas Brandth. He was an inventive designer who based many of his ideas on excitement, humor and secrets. And just like his many designs, this table has a hidden story.

At first glance it looks like an ordinary table. But for the one who knows its secret, it can be transformed into a shelter where one can hide from scary sounds, ghosts or family members. Just like a snail feels safe in its house.

[via inhabitots]


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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal

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