What sets apart a fabulous Halloween costume from a just-OK costume? A super scary haunted house from a kind-of-lame haunted house? A jack-o-lantern masterpiece from one that’s just ho-hum? It’s the thought and detail that goes into the project. And it’s during your project build that you discover tricks, tips, hacks, and techniques that are really helpful. The kind of things that makes you think, “I wish I’d known that before!”
Well, we want to hear any Halloween-related ideas you’ve collected over the years! Pumpkin carving, house decorating, candy dispensing, costume making, child safety, sound effects, last-minute costumes… Exhume all those Halloween tips, tricks, and techniques from your memory and email them to us at tips@makezine.com. We’ll share our favorites in the next Make: Newsletter, which will be chock-full of DIY Halloween ideas and resources.
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