Holiday Gift Guide 2012: 10 Last-Minute Gifts to Make - Make: Holiday Gift Guide 2012: 10 Last-Minute Gifts to Make - Make:

Holiday Gift Guide 2012: 10 Last-Minute Gifts to Make

Holiday Gift Guide 2012: 10 Last-Minute Gifts to Make

Plastic dinosaur planter

It’s down to the wire now. If you haven’t finished knitting that elaborate sweater for your boyfriend, it’s probably smart to shift gears and focus on gifts that you can finish before Christmas. Here are 10 last-minute DIY gifts that you can whip up in a flash.

[make_slideshow slug=”10-last-minute-gifts-to-make” title=”10 Last-Minute Gifts to Make” link=”10 Last-Minute Gifts to Make”]

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"To oppose something is to maintain it." –Ursula Le Guin

Currently: NEO.LIFE Alum: Instructables and MAKE

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