Today, on O’Reilly Radar, Brady Forrest announced that Ignite, the popular five-minute presentation events that have spread from Seattle to cities across the US, is going planetary in 2010:
This March, it gets much, much bigger. O’Reilly is launching the first-ever Global Ignite Week, to bring together as many local Ignites as possible. As of right now there are almost 40 Ignites scheduled from March 1st through the 4th. The Ignites will span the globe and you’ll be able to watch them streaming online every day. So far, Global Ignite Week is represented on 4 continents and 10 countries. Our goal is to have participation from all 7 continents (Nairobi is looking good, and we’re working on Antarctica).
Check out his post to see the list of cities that have signed on (so far)