Little Girl Gifted Realistic Stormtrooper Costume for Halloween - Make: Little Girl Gifted Realistic Stormtrooper Costume for Halloween - Make:

Little Girl Gifted Realistic Stormtrooper Costume for Halloween

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Little Girl Gifted Realistic Stormtrooper Costume for Halloween
Left: Katie, fully decked out in her new Stormtrooper armor. Right: Katie’s thank-you note to the 501st Legion.

The 501st Legion is an international organization of Star Wars fans dedicated to constructing and wearing replica costumes from the Star Wars universe (named after the Stormtrooper unit from the films). This Halloween, a lucky little girl named Katie was surprised with her very own Stormtrooper costume, made by members of the 501st! Katie had previously gotten moral support from the group after being teased for liking Star Wars. When she outgrows the costume, she’ll give it back to the group so it can be available to Make-A-Wish kids.

Left: Katie getting into costume. Right: Members of the 501st Legion, gathered to present Katie with her Stormtrooper armor.

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