Make Your Own Thanksgiving Turkey Out of Paper!


Are you tired of the same meat based turkey every year? Well this year do something different, instead of killing your own, or frying your own, or building a nuclear reactor to heat it up, you can make your own turkey out of paper!

In this weekend projects video, dx-arts pal Allison Kudla and Bre break it down for you by teaching you how to use Blender to decimate a turkey and output it to Pepakura which will flatten it and add tabs and get it ready for papercrafting. Big thanks to the folks over at Alibre who modeled up our our turkey and made an awesome 3d exploding turkey for the pdf. Watch the video to learn how to build one from scratch, print out the instructions if you want to learn how to make your own model out of paper, or you can just print out the plans and fold them on up! This could make a great activity for the family while the meat-based bird is cooking!
Make sure to take pictures and upload them to the Make Flickr Pool, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Make Your Own Turkey Plans! – Link.
  • Thanksgiving Turkey Making Instructions – Link.

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