Are you part of a hackerspace or other like-minded organization? Want to compete in a bone-jarring, tire-shredding race in a souped-up Power Wheels car? Yeah, we know you do, and you are in luck! The first announced event in a larger Hackathalon, Pumping Station One is holding the Power Racing Series at Maker Faire Detroit. So get signed up, find an old power wheels toy car, and get hacking!
The Power Racing Series (PPPRS) is an event where Hacker/Whateverspaces turn those toys cars that everyone wanted but only stupid Brad from down the street only owned (even though everyone hated him), into highly competitive sort-of racing machines. Teams are allowed quite a few liberties (motors, batteries) but we also made a few restrictions so you masochistic engineers can pleasurably cry yourselves to sleep at night. You have $500 to do this with (aside from safety equipment, cause we don’t want to mop you up either). You also compete in four events, and you’ll have to do more than just drive fast (re: be entertaining) to win points. After all, it’s not like we want an actual race to break out. Oh and it is rather unsafe, so you’ll sign a waiver. You built it, so we knew you’d understand.