Reminder: CRAFT: 08 Release Parties on Saturday! - Make: Reminder: CRAFT: 08 Release Parties on Saturday! - Make:

Reminder: CRAFT: 08 Release Parties on Saturday!


Just a friendly reminder that we have not one, but two release parties coming up this weekend, which we hope you’ll stop by for!
On Saturday in Austin, come enjoy snacks and hands-on crafting while we celebrate our new issue as well as the release of Jennifer Perkins’ great new book. Tomorrow we’ll be telling you more about the book, and will also be running a Craft Biz Q+A with Ms. Perkins herself.
CRAFT: 08 Release Party & NSC Book Release
Saturday, August 30, 3-6pm
3100 S. Congress Ave.
Austin, TX
ph: 512-707-2405
RSVP on Facebook
Also on Saturday, the peeps from SuperCute! and Indie Craft Experience will be leading fun make-and-take demonstrations, offering up special subscription deals on CRAFT, giving out some stylin’ CRAFT teeshirts and more!
CRAFT: 08 Release Party
Saturday, August 30, 1-5pm
@ Young Blood Gallery & Boutique
636 N Highland Ave.
Atlanta, GA
ph: 404-254-4127
RSVP on Facebook

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Jenny Ryan

Jenny Ryan is an artist, crafter, and maker of things. She lives in Los Angeles with a pack of various animals (including her husband) and writes about her adventures in creating at Exit Through the Thrift Shop.

View more articles by Jenny Ryan
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