San Francisco CRAFT: 08 Release Party Today! - Make: San Francisco CRAFT: 08 Release Party Today! - Make:

San Francisco CRAFT: 08 Release Party Today!


Spend a lovely Saturday afternoon with us today from Noon to 5pm for our CRAFT: 08 Release Party! We’ll be at The Curiosity Shoppe (855 Valencia Street) celebrating CRAFT:08’s Weaving issue along with our cover crafter, Travis Meinolf. Travis, a weaver who’s profiled in CRAFT: 08, will be demonstrating how to weave throughout the afternoon. Refreshments and snacks will be provided!
SF CRAFT: 08 Release Party
Saturday, August 9
Noon – 5pm
The Curiosity Shoppe
855 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 671-5384
RSVP via Facebook

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