When I selected Collin Cunningham as my Secret Santa recipient, I thought, “Oh, this will be a challenge!” What do you get someone who already has it all? Good looks (especially with that magnifying visor on), cutting-edge video editing equipment, and a sweet range of electronic tools for his lab. Then it dawned on me that while he always looks stylish in his Collin’s Lab videos, I never get a good look at his footwear. He works with a lot of electrostatic-sensitive devices, and while he’s not exactly running around the lab floor, it’s only natural that some static electricity builds up around him. I wouldn’t want him damaging his ICs, blue LEDs (more sensitive than other colors), or his favorite resistor, so I want to make sure he stays ESD-free.
So the first thing I would do for Collin is pour him a nice new concrete substrate and cover his lab’s floor with static dissipative tiles. Then I would get him a pair of these static dissipative Chuck Taylors — stylish and functional! They are 100% non-metallic, slip- and oil-resistant, and conform to ASTM standards. Now whether he’s running away from avalanching wire spools or working with tiny Surface Mount Devices, he can rest assured that his sparky personality won’t damage any equipment!