Congratulations to Spins and Needles’ 2nd Anniversary! Spins and Needles is a non-profit montly crafting + DJ night in Ottowa, Canada. I first posted about them last year on the MAKE blog here. CRAFT and MAKE helped them celebrate in full style with their raffle that night. The winner of the free subscription to CRAFT is Lisa Hagar and the winner of the free subscription to MAKE is Jennifer Smart, both from Ottowa.
Melanie of Spins and Needles helps us recap the event. Melanie says:
It was a mad house as Spins & Needles Craft + DJ Night celebrated its 2-year anniversary this month with an all-out DIY + DJ + Disco Bingo party. Five different craft projects with materials and instructions were provided, alongside DJs playing funky beats throughout the night. Plus tons of bingo prizes donated by the international craft community, including Craft and Make. Everyone had an amazing night!
Read more about Spins and Needles and their upcoming events. – Link.