Stitch 'N Pitch at the SF Giants on July 27th - Make: Stitch 'N Pitch at the SF Giants on July 27th - Make:

Stitch ‘N Pitch at the SF Giants on July 27th

Stitch ‘N Pitch at the SF Giants on July 27th

Snp08 Lousmom Barb
Calling Bay Area crafters! Stitch N’ Pitch with the SF Giants is happening next week, Monday July 27th. The first 1,500 people who buy advance tickets will take home a Lou Seal Knitting Bobblehead! Pictured above is a scene from last year’s game with Lou Seal’s mom holding the pair of knitted converse sneakers from CRAFT: 07 and Stitch N’ Pitch coordinator Barbara Paley.
SF Giants Stitch N’ Pitch Game
Monday, 27 July 2009
7:15 PM
Pirates @ Giants
View Reserved seats, $18
Buy your tickets online
Snp Knitting Category
Don’t forget to check out the Stitch N’ Pitch shop for fun merchandise too!

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