Claire from Poopscape gives a thumbs-up to the button bracelet she learned to make at Austin’s CRAFT: 07 release party. Photo by party helper-gal Jennifer Ramos.
Many thanks to the fine folks of Austin, TX and Portland, OR, who came out in droves last Sunday for our CRAFT: 07 release parties! Crafters converged on Twisted and The Work*Shop like a bunch of button-hungry locusts, and we’ve got the photos to prove it!
Pic by Jennifer Ramos
We’re so, so grateful to everyone who came out to help celebrate CRAFT’s latest issue, and to our generous party hosts, venues, guest stars and door prize providers–not to mention the helpful volunteers who lent their crafty talents to the cause.
Partygoers show off the “Cute as a Button” bracelets they made in Portland! Pic(s) by Susan Beal.
Here are just a few of the wonderful wrap-ups I’ve come across in the last few days. And be sure to check out the photos being added to the CRAFT Release Parties Flickr Pool!
Party Wrap-Ups @:
• Average Jane Crafter
• CraftyPod
• West Coast Crafty
• Polished
• Eat! Craft! Live!
Pic by Flickr user Bookgrl