Ever wanted to talk with other people who create and maintain hacker and makerspaces? SpaceCamps exist as a forum for facilitators and founders of hacker and makerspaces to speak to each other on the meta level of the maker movement and associated responsibilities. SpaceCamp took place at Maker Faire San Mateo, Detroit, and New York in 2011. It’s also taken place for the Seattle ecosystem and informally at Chaos Communication Camp in Germany. This first independent Camp will bring together people for a focused 1 1/2-day event. We will all learn from each others’ victories and mistakes, design new patterns for our space processes, and walk away from the event with deeper ways to interact with each other.
The first dedicated SpaceCamp (not as a subsection during another event) will take place May 16th and 17th in the Bay Area.
19:00 to 22:00 of Wednesday, May 16th at Noisebridge: mingling and session planning
Thursday, May 17th at San Mateo Faire Grounds (where Maker Faire will take place that weekend): 10:00 to 21:00 with breaks for lunch and dinner. MAKE is generously hosting the space, though this is a Space Federation event. You are responsible for getting yourself there and creating a badge.
See atrium.schoolfactory.org/spacecamp for session planning and logistics. See #spacecamp on freenode for conversation and the usual lurking. And see http://spacecampwest.eventbrite.com/ to register!