100,000 garages

Make Pt1041
Here’s a note from Dale our publisher…

Perhaps the most interesting question in Wednesday’s presidential debate was a question asked near the end by Tom Brokaw…

“Should we fund a Manhattan-like project that develops a nuclear bomb to deal with global energy and alternative energy or should we fund 100,000 garages across America, the kind of industry and innovation that developed Silicon Valley?

Alas, this question was not really answered by McCain and never directed to Obama to answer. It is an interesting question about where we should look for alternative energy technologies and solutions. A politic answer would say that the United States should support massive scale projects along with many, many small projects. However, the government may not have the resources or the will to drive large-scale projects, especially given the economy. So, a lot is going to depend on people working in 100,000 or more garages, probably with little funding or support.

Next year, Make will be doing an issue on sustainable technologies that are being developed by individuals and small groups. We’re looking specifically for technologies that can be shared and replicated around the world. We’re looking for projects that make a real difference and can help us create or cope with the necessary changes. Our goal is to find some of those industrious, ingenious makers at work in garages everywhere.

If you’re one of those people, or know one of them, let us know (post in the comments or use our form)….

Pictured above, Mr. Jalopy’s garage from MAKE volume 04, page 54.

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