A Closer Look - Transformation of CRAFT Mohair - Make: A Closer Look - Transformation of CRAFT Mohair - Make:

A Closer Look – Transformation of CRAFT Mohair

Craft Yarn


By Arwen O’Reilly

Transformation of CRAFT Mohair


I love Aimee Knerr’s mohair project because it did a great job of conceptualizing the Craft logo for the Etsy contest. She painted the logo onto the mohair and then carded it, so that the logo is integrated into the wool. I like that the wool can be used for a lot of projects, and the Craft: mindset will hopefully be embedded inside whatever it ends up in. Plus the wool is just fantastic! I asked Aimee a few questions about her crafting process and inspirations:

Arwen: How did you get involved in crafting? Why?

Aimee: I can’t remember when I did not craft. I mean, all kids craft and I just never stopped! I come from a very creative family. My father is a wonderful artist, writer and musician. My mother always has made beautiful things by hand: stained glass, woodworking, painting, and most recently copper weathervanes. Even all my grandparents are very artistic. So it is totally in my blood and it makes me feel alive: like love, food, water and fresh air.

Arwen: What are the things that inspire you most?

Aimee: I am inspired by nature and other artists/crafters. Both of these things really get me going. Just a walk in the woods and really looking at things is enough. Same thing with a museum–even one painting, if I really delve into it, can be the start of weeks of inspiration! Etsy totally inspires me–there are so many talented artists here. Also books and magazines–I can become obsessed with one for days or weeks.

Arwen: Which books and magazines are those?

Aimee: I have shelves full. Handspun Revolution by Lexi Boeger is awesome for spinning and Unexpected Knitting by Debbie New is an amazing book. My favorite magazines are: “Spin Off”, “FiberArts”, and “Interweave Knits”. And “Vogue Knitting” and “Quilting Arts”. “Natural Home” has a really cute DIY column–I always like the idea of sustainable-living crafts.

Arwen: So what’s your next project?

Aimee: For the near future it would be just continuing to explore the vast world of fiber spinning. There are so many different fibers to spin and so many ways to spin them, that I think I will continue to be obsessed with that for a long time. There are too many other crafts to explore, though–my mom just gave me her old loom, so maybe weaving will be next. Seems natural, since I have so much yarn!

Arwen: Can you give our readers one simple tip you use in your crafting?

Aimee: I don’t know if it is simple or easy, but the most valuable thing I have found is: to break the rules. If you are wondering if something may make your craft go more easily but the rule is “don’t”, than try it! I have found that it often works and then you are really innovating and finding a new way. It can really free you up and make things more fun too.

Arwen: Is there anything else you think our readers would like to know?

Aimee: Hmmm…Maybe just to not be afraid to teach yourself new things. I have learned so many different crafts and mainly taught myself from books and magazines. People are always asking me: where did you learn this? And when I say, a book, they are so shocked. If you believe you can do it, than you can do it.

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