Anna and Misha's Wedding - Make: Anna and Misha's Wedding - Make:

Anna and Misha’s Wedding

Anna and Misha’s Wedding

CRAFT: DIY Wedding

Anna of forty-two roads was inspired by our DIY Wedding month and posted up the skinny on her handmade wedding to husband Mischa from back in 2004.
Anna writes:

My husband and I had a handmade wedding – pretty much everything except the dress, food, and music we did ourselves. I’d say that key to a beautiful handmade wedding is location – you have to pick a place that will show off your style and creations. For us, a pure white studio in downtown Manhattan was the perfect place for the splashes of orange, blue, and green that were our palette.
My favorite thing we made was our birch branch huppah with orange organza canopy. It was not free-standing, and groomsmen held it up during the ceremony, in keeping with the old custom. We still have the branches in our living room.

Annamischa Wedding Flipbook
I love these keepsake flip books that were made for the guests.

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