Act Quick, Get The Arduino and Raspberry Pi 'Board Basics' Deal - Make: Act Quick, Get The Arduino and Raspberry Pi 'Board Basics' Deal - Make:

Act Quick, Get The Arduino and Raspberry Pi ‘Board Basics’ Deal

Maker News
Act Quick, Get The Arduino and Raspberry Pi ‘Board Basics’ Deal

Whether you’re controlling your home’s temperature with your smartphone or helping your refrigerator keep track of its contents, the interconnected world is our world. Getting up to date and then staying current is the trick.

A new ebook bundle from Make: and Humble Bundle pulls together the best, most informative titles we’ve produced on Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and other sensors, pairing them with Lego, Mindstorm, and robots.

We’re calling it the “Board Basics” bundle and it runs Wednesday–Wednesday, Feb. 22–March 7, featuring  our best-selling titles from the “Getting Started With” series of tutorials as well as plenty of project-based books that result in such great creations as space rovers and bots.

With a combined value of $360+, this bundle can be broken up into groups or you can buy the whole thing. Whichever you choose, you choose your price point. As always, Make: and Humble Bundle combos benefit the Maker Ed nonprofit organization.

Easy to gift (just click the link!), the Board Basics bundle is not only perfect for intermediate makers like yourself but for the emerging techies in your household. As a nice bonus, everyone who buys a bundle at the average price or above gets the chance to enjoy discounted subscriptions to Make: magazine.

“Really understanding the new microcontrollers, mini computers, and sensors now on the market is essential to firming up basic maker skills,” Make: books publisher Roger Stewart said. “These are bedrock texts for that knowledge as well as great project tutorials. And you can’t really beat the great deal on Make: magazine print and digital subscriptions.”

Here’s the Board Basics rundown:

Pay $1-$7 or more receive:

  • Make: magazine, volume 38: Everything you need to know about DIY consumer electronics.
  • Make: Basic Arduino Projects: Build 26 cool mini Arduino projects and gadgets.
  • Make: magazine, volume 49: Super Cheap Computers — our annual boards guide!
  • Making Things See: An early guide to the IoT revolution.
  • Getting Started with the Internet of Things: Your bedrock text for grokking our connected world.
  • Getting Started with Netduino: Explore open source projects with .NET!
  • Getting Started with Adafruit FLORA: Get started with electronic wearables and let your clothes express your personality (and emotions!).
  • Getting Started with Adafruit Trinket: 15 projects that will get you comfortable and conversant with this tiny and inexpensive versatile board.

Pay $8 or more to unlock:

  • Make a Mind-Controlled Arduino Robot: Yup. “Mind-controlled.”
  • Make a Raspberry Pi-Controlled Robot: Build your own rover using motors, sensors, Linux, and Python.
  • Make: AVR Programming: Set aside the layers of abstraction provided by the Arduino environment and learn how to program AVR microcontrollers directly.
  • Make: FPGAs: Learn how to break down problems into something that can be solved on an FBPA, design the logic that will run on your FPGA, and hook up electronic components to create finished projects.
  • Make: Bluetooth: The ultimate guide to understanding BLE modules, writing code and wiring circuits. You’ll even write your own Bluetooth Services.

Pay $15 or more and get all of the above, plus:

  • Getting Started with Arduino, 3rd Edition: The ultimate primer, written by the co-founders of the Arduino Project!
  • Getting Started With Raspberry Pi, 3rd Edition: The most up-to-date guide available, including info on Pi3.
  • Getting Started with Sensors: Learn to measure and interact with your world.
  • Make: Raspberry Pi and AVR Projects: Four challenging projects perfect for intermediate users.
  • Make: Arduino Bots and Gadgets: Tackle six embedded open source hardware and software projects!
  • Make: Sensors: A hands-on primer for using Arduino and Raspberry Pi for real-world monitoring.
  • Getting Started with the Photon: The Photon is an open source, inexpensive, programmable, WiFi-enabled module for building connected projects and prototypes that is powered by an ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller and a Broadcom WiFi chip. Master it.

On Wednesday, March 1, look for two new special titles to join the bundle! Be sure to log on to and see what they are.

As always, Make: shares its proceeds with Maker Ed, the nonprofit devoted to helping young people learn and grow through making. To date, this partnership has netted well over $250,000 for Maker Ed, supporting its global efforts.

The Humble Bundle / Make: Board Basics bundle runs Wednesday, Feb. 22, at 11amPST through Wednesday, March 7, at 10:59amPST. Learn more:

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