What makes a project “nerdy” these days? Embroidered Super Mario purses? Dr. Who references on greeting cards? ANYTHING with Liz Lemon? No matter your geek-filled passion, you can be sure there are crafters out there who love it just as much as you (I mean, I made a quilt for Duran Duran, for heaven’s sake). We even have a whole month dedicated to geekiness in the spring! This year saw TONS of Nyan Cat crafts, stitched iPhone covers, Angry Birds anything, and more Dr. Who projects than ever. Here are some of our nerd-themed favorites from 2011.
Chemical Crayon Labels
Lego Star Wars Ornaments
Tron Messenger Bag
Knit Your Own Death Star
Gremlins Applique
Bob Ross Amigurumi
TARDIS Travel Sewing Kit
Donkey Kong Bookmark
Angry Birds Bagel Sandwiches
Big Lebowski Sweater