Old is the new new…
Mechanix Illustrated 1951, Bike power!
Bike Power Unit will convert any bicycle into an honest-to-goodness motor bike in 15 minutes. It attaches to the front wheel as shown. Its single-cylinder, three-horsepower air-cooled engine provides 100 miles to a gallon. Fuel tank is at top. American Brake Shoe, Rochester, N. Y.
Modern Mechanix » Bike Power Unit – Link.
Modern Mechanix 1932 –
HERE’S a hint for plumbers, or, for that matter, for anyone who is handy with a paint brush. Old sewer pipes that are not too badly battered can be painted up with decorative designs to make highly ornamental umbrella racks as shown in the accompanying photo. You can go in for this stunt on a wholesale basis and turn out a number of such racks and sell them to the people in your neighborhood. Three or four umbrellas can be deposited in one pipe.
Modern Mechanix » Umbrella Rack From Sewer Pipe – Link.
Popular Science 1936 –
Materials and tools . . . Various types of joints . . . Costuming . . . How to string puppets . . . Hints on their manipulation
Modern Mechanix » The Art of Making Lifelike Marionette Bodies – Link.