It can be a challenge to really personalize the wedding ritual enough to make it feel like your own – but Vanessa definitely found a unique way.
The couple (who met creating a critical corset that tightens when the wearer’s heart rate goes up) have decided to take the leap and get married! We of course love biometrics and geekery and thus have decided that our wedding needs to be equally geeky. We’ve been working hard on taking our biometrics project into a new realm, detecting wedding emotions and datalogging the entire day. We have created an Interactive Bouquet, and called it Cold Feet. The bouquet has blue and white LEDs that display Galvanic Skin Response, blue for calm, white for excited. At the same time, heart rate is recorded for both bride and groom on the datalogger. We’ve also placed proximity sensors (possibly using infrared) on the two dataloggers so we can see how many times throughout the day we’re side by side, or far apart.
Congrats! Here’s hoping those data logs get incorporated into the wedding video. Read more of the story over at Biometric Social Interaction.