Call for Makers, Bay area & Halloween projects - Make: Call for Makers, Bay area & Halloween projects - Make:

Call for Makers, Bay area & Halloween projects

Call for Makers, Bay area & Halloween projects

Make Makerfaire
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This year at Maker Faire, we plan to have a building full of great Halloween projects. We’d like to encourage you to submit proposals for scary, freaky and fun Halloween projects, perhaps ones that you wish more people had a chance to see more than once a year. The Maker Faire Bay Area in May will be a warm-up for Halloween prime-time October dates at Maker Faire Austin.

Pictured here, one of my favorites from our MAKE & CRAFT 2006 Halloween contest!

We’re also holding two open auditions for Maker Faire. One in LA on Sunday, February 18 at Machine Project from 1-4pm. Make and Craft editors Dale Dougherty, Mark Frauenfelder and Carla Sinclair will be there.

Our second audition is at TechShop in Menlo Park. We are doing auditions to make it easy for makers to show us their work. Make and Craft editors Dale Dougherty, David Pescovitz and Natalie Zee Drieu will be there.

You can think of these auditions as more like Dorkbot meetings. Anyone is welcome to come watch. We ask Makers to go up in front of the audience and present their project in under 10 minutes. This will be a fun, friendly and supportive event.

If you are planning to come audition, please contact Natalie at Come show us what you love to make.

Call for makers for the Bay Area – Link & more.

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