Garrett Mace of Macetech has announced the company’s first entry in the open source hardware realm, with the release of the ChronoDot RTC as an OSHW project.
Over the past few years, a lot of small electronics hardware businesses have been starting up. Many of the more successful businesses and projects have adopted “open-source” philosophy into some or all of their products. Open-source concepts have been in existence for a long time…it’s human nature to share information and explain how we made something. At the same time, there is what appears to be a conflicting desire to keep processes secret in fear of duplication.
…So our first open-source product is a pretty simple design, the ChronoDot RTC breakout board based on the Maxim D3231 temperature compensated realtime clock chip. Design files for Eagle are included on the product page, or at this link:
If you don’t want to make your own, you can buy a ChronoDot from Macetech’s store.