We receive so many pitches for crowdfunding projects. They pour into our inbox daily. Since crowdfunding is a bit of a gamble, it is always kind of hard to determine just how to write about these projects, considering that many of them may not ever deliver. Cool Crowdfunding is our way of sharing some of the ones that catch our eye.
Remember, some of the crowdfunding projects from our previous Cool Crowdfunding collections may still be active! Go back and check them out to see if there’s anything you shouldn’t miss.
solid state Lidar for your robotic projects. You would find this quite helpful if you’re doing anything that needs to navigate it’s surroundings.
We do wonder if that name will cause issues though.
see it on Kickstarter
Phrozen Transform
An LCD based SLA 3D printer. They can rightly brag about their size, for an SLA printer, this is huge.
see it on Kickstarter
Electrick Eel Spinning Wheel
A tiny quiet electric spinning wheel. Take it anywhere and spin your own fibers.
see it on Kickstarter
Grove Junior Programmable Smart Modules
Grove is a system of snappable electronic blocks. They’ve been around for a while, but this is a new kit focused more on kids.
see it on Kickstarter
SuperNano an Arduino Alternative
This group is pretty much aiming to sell an arduino on steroids. Faster clock speed, more RAM, more storage. It has it all.
see it on Kickstarter