CRAFT Gift Cards - Make: CRAFT Gift Cards - Make:

CRAFT Gift Cards

Craft Giftcard-1

Give a gift subscription to CRAFT for your friend or family member and they will enjoy a full year of CRAFT and it’s goodness. For only $34.95 a year, they’ll get 4 craft filled quarterly issues. Enter in the code MAKE4CRAFT and we’ll send them a free CRAFT T-shirt. Link.

We’ve also whipped up this handy gift card (PDF) that you can download and print from your color printer. Link.


Subscribe to MAKE – Link.

Make Subscription Gift Card (PDF) – Link.

What will the next generation of Make: look like? We’re inviting you to shape the future by investing in Make:. By becoming an investor, you help decide what’s next. The future of Make: is in your hands. Learn More.

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