DIY waterproof GPS datalogger

DIY waterproof GPS datalogger

Steve writes in about the Sparkfun GPS data loggers, he built a waterproof version – “That unit from SFE is excellent! I packaged one in a waterproof case and use it for recording kayak and boat jaunts… I just nestled the hardware into a carved foam insert inside a SealLine Electronic Case. The wee antenna is lost in the glare; below that is the board, which carries the Lassen iQ GPS, an LPC2138 ARM processor, and a socket on the back with a 256 megabyte SD card. The software strips the NMEA sentences to just the basics, and stuffs them into the card… which has enough space for 440 hours of logging! I haven’t checked the power drain yet, but the four 2300 mAH AA NiMH cells should keep it going for quite a while… Photo and the track from a sailboat sea trial are”Link.

GPS data loggers, projects and more – Link.

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