Dorkbot DC meeting, Thursday, Nov 29 - Make: Dorkbot DC meeting, Thursday, Nov 29 - Make:

Dorkbot DC meeting, Thursday, Nov 29

Dorkbot DC meeting, Thursday, Nov 29

This coming Thursday is our last Dorkbot DC gathering for ’07. It’ll be held at Smith Hall of Art, Room 114, George Washington University, 801 22nd St NW, Washington, DC 20037. See our (newly designed) website for more info/directions. Here’s the event flier:

Schedule for Next Meeting (last one in 2007)

Gareth Branwyn: Maker Faire: A World of Difference
Gareth Branwyn is a contributing editor at MAKE and part of the MAKE: Blog team. He also recently became an editor at Make: Books. His first title in that role is The Best of MAKE, a collection of 75 favorite projects from the first ten volumes. Gareth is also “Cyborg-in-Chief” of the personal-tech website Street Tech and a contributor to

Gareth will talk about (and show pics of) his recent trip to Maker Faire Austin and share his thoughts on the current DIY movement/”handy heyday” and what it means in the greater scheme of things (at least as far as he’s concerned). [Photo by Scott Beale]

Philip Kohn: Real-time processing of live video images
Interactive video artist Philip Kohn will discuss some of his latest work that combines live video feeds with software that places the subjects in virtual worlds.

Alberto Gaitán: Remembrancer (Part 2 of 2: The Software)
Alberto Gaitán is a composer/programmer/artist who creates a wide range of new media work. “Remembrancer” deals with transformation, memory, and the spacial, temporal and cultural resonance of events through automated robotic painters responding in real-time to news data flowing in over the Internet.

Dorkbot DC – Link

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Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. His free weekly-ish maker tips newsletter can be found at

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