We are delighted to announce that we have decided to host a European Maker Faire the evening of Wednesday, 19 October, in Amsterdam. This event is free and open to anyone possessing the Maker spirit. All Makers are welcome! The hours are 1930 to 2130, and the location is the NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam. The Maker Faire event is being held in conjunction with O’Reilly’s EuroOSCON Open Source Convention (for more details about EuroOSCON, click here). The conference runs 17 October to 20 October…What really makes a Maker Faire work is the grassroots participation from Makers such as you. If you have an interesting MAKE-like project that you are bursting to share with your fellow Makers, we are actively seeking Makers who would like to exhibit at the Faire. Each exhibiting Maker will be provided with a table, power, Internet connection, and a simple poster board describing their project. Interested in sharing a project? Please write to euromaker AT makezine DOT com and tell us about yourself and your project.
Whether you exhibit or not, we’d love to have you join us at Maker Faire. It’s absolutely free, so bring a friend.
P.S.: If you’re interested in attending the EuroOSCON Convention, receive a 25% Maker discount using this code: euos05makr