Do you have +Craft in your circles? Ya know, it’s kinda like @Craft, but instead of Twitter, it’s Google Plus. Our page is currently a bit sparse, but don’t worry, momentum is building! Hands down, my favorite feature about G+ is the ability to “Hangout”. It’s ridiculously easy to have live video chats, and they are especially fun and useful for sharing craft projects. Internally, all of the bloggers here on Craftzine have even ditched our boring old-school phone conference calls join a Hangout for our weekly meetings.
Many different types of communities are forming in circles on G+. Today, from 4:30 till 6:30 PST the newly launched +Handmade page will be hanging out, and Make and Craft will be joining in. The page was started by G+ Community Manager Natalie Villalobos, as a place where everyone from chefs to roboticists can share their projects and inspirations. We would love to meet you and see what you are working on! To make sure you can join, simply add +Handmade and +Craft to your circles. See you tonight!