Hackerspace Happenings for March 16

Hackerspace Happenings for March 16

Are you a hackerspace member? We want to know about cool projects you are working on, or have completed, tools you’re using, fun stories about your space and its members, best practices you’d like to share with other spaces, etc. Say you build a new CNC mill–we want to hear about it! Maybe a member is organizing a Mini Maker Faire, has designed a cool robot, or has built something beautiful out of wood. We want to cover all of these things. Send it to johnb@makezine.com or tweet me at @johnbaichtal and I may be able to post it. Also feel free to subscribe to my hackerspaces Twitter list.

Intro to Programming Class at Crash Space

L.A.’s CRASHspace is offering an introductory programming class:

This course is an introduction to computer science, and requires no prior programming experience. Students will learn the basics of programming by creating visual art and animations via the openSource
Processing programming language. Processing is a great language for beginners, providing instant gratification for each line of code written. It is also what is referred to as a “superset” of the popular programming language Java, meaning that the skills you learn will be directly applicable to a variety of other programming languages which are currently being used on the market today.

The class will be held Thursday, March 28 from 8-11pm. Sign up here.

Fundraiser for MakerBar, Hoboeken’s Community Workshop

The MakerBar, Hoboken’s community workshop for collaborating and learning about technology, has announced an evening of drinks, fondue, and electronics to support its becoming a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Hosted by Hoboken favorite The Melting Pot, the event will commence at 7:00 on Wednesday, March 27th. Participants will be treated to complementary dessert fondue and drink specials, including custom concoctions designed especially for the MakerBar. All profits will go directly to supporting the MakerBar’s mission of becoming a federally-recognized nonprofit organization in April.

Minne-Faire Tickets on Pre-Sale
HF faire
Twin Cities Maker is holding its fourth annual Minne-Faire DIY and maker exposition Saturday and Sunday, April 13th and 14th.

Participate, meet and get inspired by other makers and DIY artists that are interested in electronics, 3-D printing, metalworking, woodworking and textiles. This year’s Minne-Faire will include exhibits, demonstrations, power wheels racing, vendors, music, and food.

Alpha One Labs is Moving

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NYC’s Alpha One Labs is moving to a new space and needs your help!

Alpha One Labs is upgrading its space. Our goal is to get awesome equipment that is convenient for everyone.

In addition to the new buildout and equipment, we’re also going to save up for three months of expenses to have in the bank.

A1L has an Indiegogo campaign to help raise funds, so help out if you want!

Crash Bang Labs Celebrates One Year
Regina, SK’s CrashBang Labs recently held its first Annual General Meeting:

We had a very successful AGM this past weekend, with a good turnout. Lots of things were discussed and decisions were made. If you were not able to attend, have a look at the minutes (posted on crashbanglabs.org) along with appendices. Of particular note is the decision to lower the membership fee to $30 per month, or $300 per year. This represents a significant savings over our original membership fee. If you’ve been putting off a membership, these new fees, combined with the recent acquisition of a laser cutter, should make the decision easy for anyone interested in joining a community-driven makerspace.

The space used their laser cutter to create tokens commemorating the event. Fun!

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal nerdage.net

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