Hand-Crank Ice Cream for cranks - Make: Hand-Crank Ice Cream for cranks - Make:

Hand-Crank Ice Cream for cranks

Hand-Crank Ice Cream for cranks

Seedlingproject writes –

I like hand-cranked ice cream, not the kind that runs electrically (or even worse the kind that comes from the store). I read lots of books about pioneers when I was growing up and I loved the stories about sitting on the front porch in the summer and taking turns cranking the ice cream freezer. I also loved to think about how you store ice by first cutting it out of a local lake, river or pond in big blocks, loading them onto sleighs pulled by oxen or horses, and then packing them in sawdust in a spring house or some kind of shack.

Hand-Crank Ice Cream for cranks – Link.

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HOW TO – Make Pepto-bismol ice cream – Link.

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Liquid Nitrogen ice cream? – Link.

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Play & freeze ice cream ball – and a DIY version – Link.

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