HOW TO - Make a green garbage grabber, trash tongs, pick up tool - Make: HOW TO - Make a green garbage grabber, trash tongs, pick up tool - Make:

HOW TO – Make a green garbage grabber, trash tongs, pick up tool

HOW TO – Make a green garbage grabber, trash tongs, pick up tool

Toxictom writes –

I call these green garbage grabbers. They are easily made from PVC pipe, recycled banding, duct tape and a rubber band.

I sit on the board of directors for a non-profit called ALPAR (Alaskans for Litter Prevention and Recycling) and help out with various commmunity clean up programs. I came up with the design a few years ago and made several dozen green grabbers for people to use at these events. They make a good project for a Scout Troop or the like.

They work great and can be used to pick up trash and many other objects. The video in step 5 shows me picking up a piece of scrap banding, a helium cylinder and a can of olives.

HOW TO – Make a green garbage grabber, trash tongs, pick up tool – Link.

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