Labot2001 writes –
Oh, what better a way to start off the new semester than by building a racecar? Why, building a racecar using a mousetrap, of course! In this Instructable, I will not only show you how to build a mousetrap car, but also some tips and tricks that I learned in my own building process. Back off, PETA. No animals (or pet rocks ;]) were harmed in the making of this Instructable.
HOW TO – Make a mousetrap race car – Link.
Maker Faire: The Life-Sized Mousetrap – Link.
Non-lethal mousetraps show your fondness for rodents – Link.
HOW TO – Catch a mouse without a mousetrap – Link.
Crystal radio mousetrap – Link.
A better mousetrap! – Link.
How-To make Mouse-Trap cars – Link.
PIC controlled, stepper motor driven mouse trap – Link.
Simple, humane mousetrap – Link.
Bucket mousetrap – Link.