How-To Video: Ghosts from Packing Tape - Make: How-To Video: Ghosts from Packing Tape - Make:

How-To Video: Ghosts from Packing Tape

hand wrap

This project was inspired by my recent post about packing tape sculptures other people have made. I really wanted to try it out myself and show you guys just how easy it is to do!

To make this project you’ll need the following:

  • A large roll of clear packing tape,
  • A small roll of clear tape,
  • A weighted tape dispenser, and
  • A pair of scissors

Check out this video for the full how-to.


Don’t forget to add some LED lights to your sculpture to take it up an extra creepy notch. I just used some small flashlights I had handy (no pun intended).

These would make a wicked front lawn installation with rows of hands coming up from the ground. Now that I’ve got that image in your head, I hope you’ll grab a roll and start wrapping!


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Maker Extraordinaire from Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario. Lover of all things CNC and hand made. @agawaffle

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