In the Maker Shed: TOOOL Emergency Lock-Pick Card - Make: In the Maker Shed: TOOOL Emergency Lock-Pick Card - Make:

In the Maker Shed: TOOOL Emergency Lock-Pick Card

In the Maker Shed: TOOOL Emergency Lock-Pick Card

Picking locks not only requires the right skills, it also requires the right tools. Fortunately, the folks at TOOOL (The Open Organization of Lockpickers) have come up a great way to ensure that you never leave your picks at home with the Emergency Lock-Pick Card (available in the Maker Shed.) This laser cut steel card conforms to ISO sizing standards for ATM and credit cards so it fits perfectly in your wallet. When the need arises, you simply snap out the tools to create a fully functioning lock pick set! After you save the day, simply put the tension wrenches in your wallet and the lock picks on your key chain so you are ready for the next emergency. Don’t let the small size full you, the pick ends are standard size allowing you to pick nearly any pin-tumbler lock.


  • 1 Short Hook
  • 1 Gonzo Hook
  • 1 Half Snowman
  • 1 Half Diamond Pick
  • 1 Snake Rake
  • 1 Long Rimple
  • 5 Various Assorted Tension Tools

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I am the Evangelist for the Maker Shed. It seems that there is no limit to my making interests. I'm a tinkerer at heart and have a passion for solving problems and figuring out how things work. When not working for Make I can be found falling off my unicycle, running in adverse weather conditions, skiing down the nearest hill, restoring vintage motorcycles, or working on my car.

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