2006 is shaping up to be a good year for a lot of DIY and how-to resources. Imagine if each techy, gadgety or whatever site did a how-to every month. How to use Wikis, use that new phone, change your oil or just about anything. How-tos, step by steps and the “open recipes” make all this interconnectivity interesting. If you have site, take a break – post up something you know how to make or do.
It’s already happening – new sites, contests and existing media powerhouses are turning their attention to citizen engineers everywhere. Expect to see more and more DIY (Do it yourself) sites and resources each month, here are a few that just hit our radar…
- Chris and Jake from Lockergnome have a new DIY site “Doing It” – Link.
- The August issue of WIRED is DIY/HOWTO – Link.
- GQ introduces DIY’s $100,000 Ultimate Workshop Giveaway – Link.
Here are some of our daily stops…
- Lifehacker – Link.
- Instructables – Link.
- Hack a day – Link.
- MAKE Flickr photo pool – Link.
- Digg – Link.
- DIY Happy – Link.
- DIY @ Netscape – Link.
- ToolMonger – Link.
- ReadyMade – Link.
- …
Hungry for more?
- Our favorites on Technorati – Link.
- List of what we’re reading on Share your OPML (RSS) feeds – Link.
- Gadgets and how-to (RSS) feeds – Link.
2006 – a good year for Makers.