This year’s Maker Faire is going to be bigger and better than any before. It won’t be possible without the help of our “Street Team” spreading the excitement. The Maker Faire Street Team passes out fliers, stickers, and business cards to expose new people to the Maker Faire. It is easy, fun, and can earn you two adult tickets to the event (a $90 value!)
Signing up is easy :
1. Fill out this form and we will send you a Maker Faire Bay Area 2016 Street Team Kit.
2. Take your goodies and post them in high traffic venues. Please be sure to ask for permission when appropriate, as we definitely want to respect other’s property.
3. Snap some photos in ALL of the places you decide to post. You need a minimum of 5 different pictures from 5 different locations.
4.Once you’ve documented your Street Team journey, share with your social community (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.).
5. After sharing with your social communities, to qualify, you have to come back and show us everything! The deadline is May 2, 2016
In the Street Team Kit you will find:
- 25 Flyers
- 75 Postcards
- 10 Business Cards (both our Bay Area and New York Dates are listed!)
- 10 Stickers
Check out some of our favorite pictures from last years street team in action!
Here are some great places to post flyers and place postcards:
- Bookstores
- Coffee shops
- Toy Stores
- Hobby/Craft Shops
- Restaurants
- Scrap Stores
- Community Centers
- Hackerspaces
- After-School Programs
- Garden Centers
- Thrift Stores
- Schools
- Churches
The last day for signing up is April 14, 2016. There are only 300 spots available and they are first come, first serve so you’d better hurry! Please note that we have a LOT of amazing pictures and stories to review, so it may take up to a week to get your tickets! Thank you for your patience.