Join the Chinese Community for the Greatest Show And Tell On Virtually Maker Faire 2020 - Make: Join the Chinese Community for the Greatest Show And Tell On Virtually Maker Faire 2020 - Make:

Join the Chinese Community for the Greatest Show And Tell On Virtually Maker Faire 2020

Maker News
Join the Chinese Community for the Greatest Show And Tell On Virtually Maker Faire 2020

Virtually Maker Faire organized by Make: Community will take place on May 23, 2020, globally and virtually. With the theme “Featuring Makers Responding to COVID-19″, there will be 24 hours of Presentations, Workshops, Demos, and Exhibits across all time zones. It means that we could enjoy and experience the greatest show&tell at home this time. Here are the three-time slots for the VMF (CHINA time):

2020.05.23 11:00-24:00 (Sat)

2020.05.24 00:00-03:00 (Sun)

2020.05.24 04:00-12:00 (Sun)

Most importantly, we at Chaihuo x.factory (previously known as Chaihuo Maker Space) are more than happy to participate in the co-organization of VMF. We have invited 5 makers from our local community to join a live-streaming session “Made in China” at the Virtually Maker Faire.

In China, makers have actively responded to fighting the COVID-19 by making different projects. In this session, you could learn about the projects, their functions, how they were made in China as well as the makers & stories behind the projects. Besides, there are some other cool projects that will show you a scent of Chinese maker‘s practicality.

Made in China Session Details

Time: 15:00-16:30, May 23, 2020 (China Time)// 00:00-01:30, May 23 (PT)

Live-streaming Link:

Organizer: Chaihuo x.factory

Here are the show&tell makers and their projects.

Project #1: Face mask SHUTS UP when it sees people approaching

Track: Making

Lanuage: English + Chinese

It’s inconvenient that we have to wear face masks due to COVID -19. It’s not a very enjoyable experience, which makes you hot, sweat, nervous and of course harder to breathe. There are thirsty times when you are urging to remove the mask but scared to do so. What if the face mask could open up when in a safe environment, with no people around. So you can cool down and drink. But to make it safe again, the mask should be able to shut off when anyone is approaching.

Maker: Chen of DesignMaker

A Certified member of Chaihuo x.factory, Youtuber of @DesignMaker. Chen is an electrical engineer who used to be a user experience designer. He loves engineering and creating creative electronic machines and interactive installations that combine design and technology.

Project #2: Paper Piano Powered by Arduino

Track: Making

Language: Chinese

Using Arduino and an MPR121 capacitive touch sensor, this paper piano was created for music hobbyists to play the piano through paper keys.

Maker: Lebin Liang

Founder of BOULKOO, a creative design studio that aims to combine technology, science, and art. Passionate for tinkering DIY, embedded development, and PCB design.


Project #3: Interactive Visualization of COVID-19

Track: Learning and Teaching

Language: Chinese

This project is an interactive visualization system based on Scratch, Python, and machine vision. It could show the real-time data of the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in different countries.

Maker: Wenjie Wu

Founder of CodeLab


Project #4: Automated Disinfectant Spray Machine

Track: Design & Production

Language: Chinese

This is an open-source automated disinfectant spray machine based on Arduino UNO. When the ultrasonic sensor detects someone in the range of 1.2 meters, the Arduino will be triggered to control the solenoid valve and motor to spray disinfection liquid, so as to reduce human resources input to do the disinfection spray.

Maker: Shixin Qiu

A certified member of Chaihuo x.factory, founder of the Xiake Island Maker Group. He is good at mechanical design, has many years of research on refrigeration systems. He has done many maker projects including smart toilets, foot massager, and intelligent ball-shooting machine, etc.

Project #5: Time Trigger

Track: Making

Language: Chinese

Time is for you. You are the time trigger. You are the one who presents the time. Time is an abstract concept and is only 1 dimensional. “Hour,” “minute” and “second” are defined as a unit measure of time. When someone is in front of the project, it will display the time correctly. It, as long as you don’t leave, will always operate. The moment you leave, the concept of “hour”, “minute” and “second” will lose its meaning and definition, and the project will stop working until the next person appears, where the clock will display the current time.

Maker: CY

CY, who comes from a design background, is a part-time maker who likes to use open source technology as an expression of art and design. He is skilled at hands-on making and especially good at structural design and operation of various fabrication tools and machines.

In addition to the above 5 amazing projects, we have also made a video showcasing projects originated from our community recently. There will be projects that help fight the pandemic, and DIY projects embracing the open-source zeitgeist. We will play the video during the Made in China session, and hope you will enjoy it & get inspiration into making!

Come join us in the Made in China session at Virtually Maker Faire at 15:00 on May 23 (Saturday) through this live streaming link.

See you on the Cloud then ;)

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