Make: magazine Volume 44 hit the newsstands on March 24 and this issue is all about DRONES! To celebrate, Make: will host a meetup at the Maker Media Lab at the Palace of Fine Arts.
These days drones are buzzing, not only in the skies, but throughout the Maker community! Makers’ love affair with drones is easy to understand: it has all the trademarks of the Maker Movement.
Join the Make: editors for some pizza and beverages to talk about the latest drone technologies and application and enjoy a little show and tell with some of our favorite models. You can also join our drone trivia contest. Last one standing wins an Iris multicopter from the Maker Shed!
Thanks to our sponsor, Sprout by HP, you’ll also get to try the new Sprout immersive computing platform. HP will be giving away a Sprout device to one lucky attendee. Be sure to visit the Sprout by HP station during the meetup to enter for your chance to win!
Pick up your copy of the new drones issue hot off the press!
Looking forward to seeing you there. You can find the directions and RSVP at our meetup page.