Jumpin cars, sled stoves, battery powered cars and steampunk RC trains... - Make: Jumpin cars, sled stoves, battery powered cars and steampunk RC trains... - Make:

Jumpin cars, sled stoves, battery powered cars and steampunk RC trains…

Jumpin cars, sled stoves, battery powered cars and steampunk RC trains…

Make Pt0444
“Build a comedy ford”, old timey version of bouncing suspension once found in rap music videos. Modern Mechanix 1933 – Link.

Lrg Sled Stove
Sled stove for skating parties, Modern Mechanix 1933 – Link.

Xlg Outdated Engines
Back in world war II people would conserve gas and use battery powered/pedal powered ways to get around, Popular Mechanics, 1941.

Lrg Steampunk Robot
Steampunk remote controlled train, retro Crab-Fu! Popular Mechanics 1936 – Link.

All of this and more @ Modern Mechanix – Link.

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