Lombric&Co at Maker Faire Paris - Make: Lombric&Co at Maker Faire Paris - Make:

Lombric&Co at Maker Faire Paris

Lombric&Co at Maker Faire Paris


The Lombric project was born from an ecological concern. People are producing more and more trash, especially in Urban settlements. badge-MFP-FINALOrganic cooking wastes are often thrown into the trash in urban settlements, whereas rural people collect them and process them into compost. This box is aiming to do the same but in a very compact manner and when closed offers a surface for dicing vegetables. The box offers multiple drawers that allow flexibility in the compost creation process.

The makers behind this project have both studied at the French Academy of Arts and are mainly working in this field. They focus currently over the development of this prototype. Funding for this project was gathered via the Ulule website (a european crowdfunding platform).


Text by Adrien BESNIER – Common Wave

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Bertier is a self-educated entrepreneur. Invited to Maker Faire New York in 2011, he launched le FabShop in 2012, a digital workshop. He is the co-author of the first book in French about 3D printing.

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