[Photo from Pauric on Flickr]
MAKE Flickr pool member Pauric is treating himself to a nice birthday month of making.
Day 4 of my effort to make a lasting ‘heirloom’ object everyday for a month; a wooden case for my keyboard to go with the design desk project
For one month, starting on my birthday, I will make something of lasting value everyday.
One of his projects is another run at the cablebone excess wire organizer, featured by Phillip a few years ago.
By tagging his photos for the project, it makes the work more accessible to the rest of us. If we want to do a similar project, making an heirloom object every day for a week or a month or a year, we can join our photos with his by adopting his tag makeaday. When we use tags on our work, it helps us to create a more effective search system. Other people can find our work more easily, and we can use it for ourselves to find particular photos, videos, links or posts. If you have a Flickr account, you can check out your tag cloud and see what you are into. You can also look at the MAKE Flickr pool’s tag cloud as well to see what all of us are into.