MAKE Asks: is a weekly column where we ask you, our readers, for responses to maker-related questions. We hope the column sparks interesting conversation and is a way for us to get to know more about each other.
This week’s question: Maker Faire Bay Area is quickly approaching, and World Maker Faire will follow soon after in September. We are currently booking speakers for these events. When you go to Maker Faire who would you love to hear? It can be anyone from the tech, geek, science or art world. The sky’s the limit!
I would love to hear Dean Kamen speak. He is a true renaissance man, known for his pioneering work in the bio-tech field, the inventor of the Segway, his robotic prosthetic arm, and his off-grid compound on North Dumpling Island. Dean’s a maverick in the field and would fit in perfectly among us makers.
Post your responses in the comments section.