Make: Honors Women Tech Authors - Make: Make: Honors Women Tech Authors - Make:

Make: Honors Women Tech Authors

Maker News
Make: Honors Women Tech Authors

On International Women’s Day 2021, Make Community is highlighting the diverse array of books written by our women authors. From hard tech to the human sciences, women have enriched the offerings of Make books from the very first, and will continue well into the future!

We realize this post is a day late, it got held up with some technical difficulties. However, we thought that there was no way this should be ignored, so we’re sharing it today!

Atmospheric Monitoring with Arduino by Emily Gertz and Patrick Di Justo

Getting Started with Drones by Terry Kilby and Belinda Kilby

Getting Started with p5.js by Lauren McCarthy, Casey Reas and Ben Fry

Environmental Monitoring with Arduino by Emily Gertz and Patrick Di Justo

Jumpstarting the Raspberry Pi Zero W by Akkana Peck

LEO the Maker Prince by Carla Diana

Jumpstarting Javascript by Lynn Beighley

Geek Girl’s Guide to Geek Women by Lynn Beighley

Getting Started with 3D Printing by Liza Wallach and Nick Kloski

Getting Started with Adafruit Circuit Playground Express by Anne Barela

Getting Started with Adafruit FLORA by Becky Stern and Tyler Cooper

Fusion 360 for Makers by Lydia Sloan Cline

Make: Wearable Electronics by Kate Hartman

Making Makers by AnnMarie Thomas

Make It Glow by Emily Coker and Kelli Townley

Start Making! By Danielle Martin, Alisha Panjwani, Natalie Rusk

Soft Robotics by Kari Love and Matthew Borgatti

Learn Electronics with Arduino by Jody Culkin and Eric Hagan

Fabric and Fiber Inventions by Kathy Ceceri

Edible Inventions by Kathy Ceceri

Make: Paper Inventions by Kathy Ceceri

Musical Inventions by Kathy Ceceri

How to Use a Breadboard! By Jody Culkin and Sean Michael Ragan

Design for 3D Printing by Tatiana Reinhard, Samuel Bernier, Bertier Luyt

Design for CNC by Anne Filson and Anna K. France

Make: 3D Printing by Anna K. France

Making Simple Robots by Kathy Ceceri

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Patrick is an editor at MAKE. He is the author of the books Environmental Monitoring with Arduino, Atmospheric Monitoring with Arduino, The Science of Battlestar Galactica, and This is What You Just Put In Your Mouth. He has sworn to defend mankind against the eventual rise of the killer bots.

View more articles by Patrick Di Justo
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