Make: television around the web... - Make: Make: television around the web... - Make:

Make: television around the web…

Make: television around the web…

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Catching up on some Make: television news (we’re adding these to our news section here too)… Justin Barber @ Geek Squad has a great write up from the premiere

“When I was a kid, we only had Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys, and Erector Sets to indulge our fantasy of putting tinkering dreams to reality, so watching bits of Make Television episodes last night made me envious for the new generation of kids. Then I woke up and realized no one was stopping me from building these projects myself.”

Geek Squad attempts to ‘Make:’ impression

…Robert Stephens, founder and chief inspector of Geek Squad, came up with the TV sponsorship concept two years ago with the interest in creating programming around technology and science in a contemporary fashion…. “When you make science and technology interesting, you spark innovation,” said Stephens. “Geek Squad’s support of ‘Make:’ is our way of encouraging people to play, discover and create.”

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current: @adafruit - previous: MAKE, popular science, hackaday, engadget, fallon, braincraft ... howtoons, 2600...

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